Sunday 9 September 2018

Feminism Takes Form

By Kristina Ketola Bore

Design has always held the potential to communicate feminist values. Through the transition from a messenger to a creator of content, designers now have more possibility to shape these values than ever before. 

Read the text here: (Norwegian language first, scroll down for English)

“Kristina Ketola Bore is a design critic, curator, and educator based in Oslo, Norway. She is a co-founder of the platform, The Ventriloquist Summerschool, a subeditor of the art journal Periskop, and lectures internationally at universities and cultural institutions. Her work investigates the social structures within and outside of design, in addition to participation and the role intersectionality and feminisms can play in the design field. These perspectives are also deployed in the act of curation, which has resulted in series of educational art programming for both youth and adults.”


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