A History of its Own? Graphic Design and Feminism
Saturday 25 February, 12 noon
This free and public seminar includes three talks and a panel discussion about the status of feminism in graphic design today. Unlike the history of art and literature, the history of graphic design has only recently begun scrutinising its canon and methodological underpinnings. This relative youth has allowed it to recognise certain historiographic pitfalls, such as the privileging of biography over collective practices, and of Western European/North American histories. At the same time, as an emerging field, graphic design history may not have registered the impact of the 1960s/70s feminist and queer debates as much as other visual and textual studies. Can graphic design history make up lost time and imagine its history from the ground up? What models from adjacent or distant fields can allow it to fashion a history – indeed a feminist history – of its own? How does or could this reflection on graphic design's recent past shape its current self-perception as a field? How are contemporary women graphic designers in particular representing themselves within it? And what strategies can question and challenge existing historiographic models?
Catherine de Smet will introduce a selection of feminist graphic design practices from the 1960s to today. Hjärta Smärta will share their experience as publishers of the monographic book series on women graphic designers Hall of Femmes, what inspired them to get started, what they are currently working on, and where they will go next. Sara De Bondt and Merel van den Berg will present their research and data visualisation of women in contemporary graphic design.
A panel, moderated by Antony Hudek (Mellon research fellow at University College London and co-director of Occasional Papers) and Sara Teleman (Project Coordinator at Iaspis) will discuss some of the issues raised, and invite the audience to join in the debate.
2nd floor, Maria skolgata 83
118 53 Stockholm
T +46 (0)8 506 550 77